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The Greater Rochester Celiac Support Group cordially invites you to participate in our very first ever

It’s simple– we’re asking local gluten free bakeries to show us their stuff! Bakeries will bring samples of their best cupcake flavors and our members get to vote for their favorite. All participating bakeries will be listed on our website, but the winning cupcake flavor will be highlighted on our homepage as the group’s 2016 People’s Choice Cupcake of the Year!

Bakeries will also bring additional product to sell.
Feel free to bring friends and family to this awesome event- the more, the merrier!

GRCSG’s Cupcake War will take place at 7:00 pm at St. Anne’s Church, 1600 Mount Hope Ave. Newcomer meeting starts at 6:30 pm.

If you plan on attending, please RSVP to president@rochesterceliacs.org by June 14th and let us know how many people you are bringing.
Thank you, and we’re all excited for this fun event!

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